Our Primary Concerns
We remain concerned that the complacent composition of the public Audubon Commission, coupled with the unceasing profit agenda of the private Audubon Nature Institute, will mean that the Park's future will remain one of ad hoc and commercially-driven development not based on any consideration of the general public interest. Until a reconstituted Audubon Commission takes public input and accountability seriously, the ANI will continue to operate outside the purview of our city's zoning ordinances, land use plans, and alcoholic beverage laws.

Audubon Park Master Plan circa 2005

The map of the Audubon Park Master Plan shown above (90% developed pre-Katrina) shows clearly that most of the land in the arguably already over-developed Audubon Park is reserved for specific income-producing uses. The public green space for general use and passive recreation is restricted to the edges of the park and a few isolated spaces.

Our primary goal continues to be the preservation of what little remains of the passive public green space in Audubon Park. We have never been against organized recreational activities, including golf. We are merely advocates for public green space with no designated function beyond simply being "park"— not "car park", not "animal park", not "athletic park", not "golf park", just "park: an area maintained in its natural state as a public property".
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a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation