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Planet of the Apes

"Beware the for-man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills trees for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, for he is the harbinger of executive golf."

In which a future visitor wonders where he is
The story so far: Captain Charles "Chuck Heston" Taylor has been marooned on a strange wasteland, follow his adventures as he tries to figure out where the heck he is.

What is this place, and where did we park?

It is wasteland!

Wait, is that a New Orleans live oak tree that I see over there?

Erh, no.

They seem to have quite good security - look at those nice white trucks.

Hmmm, Audubon "Nature" Institute - I wonder why "Nature" is in quotation marks?

Hey humans! Dont you know this is private property? We have taken over this profitless land, you are our slaves...

"... different elevations, slopes, mounds, lots of sand traps..."(Angus Lind, Times-Picayune.)

What is this place? And who are these badly dressed people?
Look at that bedraggled slave, wait what can this mean :
"My daddy went to America's Most Exciting City, and all that was left was this lousy t-shirt"

To be continued...

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